Yesterday I pressure-tested the radiator. At some point in the past, the cooling fan had made contact with it badly enough to punch a large hole in one of the tubes. To my surprise there were no leaks! Upon closer inspection, the damaged tube has been cut off on each end and soldered shut. There are 3 sets of 21 tubes (front, back, and center), so if my math is correct it still operates at about 98% efficiency. To help it breathe better, though, I am currently in the process of straightening all of the fins (VERY tedious, but rewarding all the same).
This is the radiator
before it's rehab.
(FYI : if you click on the photos you can get a full screen image) The hole is in the center of the crescent shaped crushed area at bottom center. If you follow that row to the left you can see where it no longer connects to the vertical reservoir.