Moved the car into the garage. Started checklist for fiberglass body removal. Step one involved removing large nuts on door hinges. They can only be accessed with a socket in a size I don't have. Proceeded anyway with all other possible steps. Still need to remove doors and connections behind them and drill out all rivets. Rear hatch and vent window glass, more apholstery, passenger seat, seatbelts, and rear view mirror/visors removed. All misc. loose trim/apholstery parts moved to storage. Drivers side door strike has stripped out screws. I will have to drill them out.
Additions to the known problems list; Passenger side rear light lense is also cracked, missing cap on brake fluid resivour, hose from gas fill assembly to charcoal cannister is broken under dash. Mounting brackets for fiberglass at front wheel wells are missing. Radiator fan blades are broken. There is some sort of plastic piece at the rear hatch latch assembly that remained only in remnants. Engine hatch connections are jimmy rigged and need additional attention.