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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 6

Purchased required socket, removed doors and nose.  Had to grind / cut / bend off retaining bolt at floor for passenger side safety belt.  Driver side was so bad the bracket had rusted in half.  Connections at rear fender wells are jimmy rigged.  Had to cut one of them off.  There are two bolts at the rear bumper to the body that are not mentioned in the manual.  To get to them you have to remove the rear wheels and reach through the rear fender well past the mufflers.  Had to search for 40 minutes to find the last four body connections.  To get to them you have to bend down one of the metal body panels and remove the entire dash.  So it looks like the dash is going to have to come out sooner than expected.  That will take some time as I plan to document well with photos each step of the removal process in the hopes that will make reassembly go smoother.

Here are my cool kids posing with the new cool car. . .